Camp Cadet call of Honor

The Camp Cadet Call of Honor is read to the Cadets when they first arrive at camp. As cadets, they are asked to memorize the Call of Honor during their week long stay. When they successfully repeat the Call of Honor by memory to an instructor, they receive a Pennsylvania State Police Patch Pin to wear on their headgear. They will then repeat the Call of Honor as a group at their graduation ceremony. Camp Cadet of Somerset County will be in its’ 24th year for 2023 and so far there hasn’t been a single Cadet who hasn’t received their hat pin!

The Camp Cadet Call of Honor is as follows:

I am a Cadet in the Pennsylvania State Police Camp Cadet program.
To me is entrusted my honor and well-being.

I must act honestly and faithfully to live up to my ideals and standards.
It is my duty to be true to myself.
I must not give in to negative peer pressure and I must stand up for what I know and believe to be right.

The only person I must impress is myself.
I am proud of myself and I believe in myself.
I will always conduct myself in such a manner that my honor and the honor of Camp Cadet will be upheld.